
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So when and how did it all start?

For all practical purposes the journey that we are on at the moment started round about August 2010, almost exactly a year ago. It started with us attending a "Starting Point" presentation presented by Kingdom Encounters. A bit more about that later (or click on this link if you really can't wait). But before I go there I would like to briefly explain why we attended the presentation. Over the period 2006-2009 I had a growing sense of dis-contempt inside of me. That despite the fact that I have been relatively successful according to the norms of the world. I was pretty sure that the level of accomplishment in the world was not the reason behind my dissatisfaction and lack off fulfillment. I was satisfied with what I have achieved from a career perspective. 

On the spiritual front as a Christian I've also been very much engaged all the time and has constantly been at least part of a home cell group and about half of the time leading the group. Then there has also been the normal church camps and courses like discipleship EEIII, etc. Round about 2006, I read a book titled "Half Time" which helped me understand why I did not really felt fulfilled. The title of the book refer to the half time that you would typically have during most team sport events. Half time is an opportunity to take a time out and reflect on what you have accomplished the first half and to make some decisions on how you plan to approach the second half to ensure that you will end up on top by the time the final whistle blows. I realized that from a career perspective I've more or less reached the half time mark and that it was probably a good idea to take some time to contemplate what I wanted to achieve during the "second half". 

The main theme of the book was "moving from success to significance" and after reading the book I was pretty much sold on the idea that moving to significance will bring true fulfillment. The question was how should I go about to become significant and experience true fulfillment? I believe that there is only one answer to this question and that is that you need to find your purpose in life. The very purpose God had in mind when He created us in so much detail. When we discover that purpose and start to live it, we will be fulfilled. So in August 2010 we attended "Starting Point", an introduction to a series of seminars collectively titled "Passage to Purpose" . . .

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