
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Waardeer die klein dingetjies om jou

Hoe gaan mens van oorlewing na belewing....

Is mens daagliks besig om besig te wees om dinge te doen, afgehandel te kry, in 'n mate net te 'oorleef'? Dis so 'n groot deel van ons bestaan. God het dit so paar oggende terug op my hart kom lê dat ons nie so gefokus moet wees op die fisiese doen van dinge nie, maar eerder die lewe moet belewe ... als om jou èn dit waarmee jy besig is. 

 Somer beteken blomme! Oral is malvaplantjies wat die huise verfraai!

 Die suurpruim boom se takke hang skoon swaar met al die baie vruggies aan.

Die nagtegaal se gunsteling plek in ons tuin... En wanneer dit donker word net so voor half tien saans, dan sien jy vuurvliegies oral oor, selfs binne in die huis!

 Hierdie ou Fiat model, is nie 'n vreemde gesig in Gostilitsa nie. Inteendeel, hulle is nogal volop reg deur die 'village'! Wittes, rooies en selfs bloues!

 Veldblommetjies langs die pad...

Nog nooit so 'n groot 'dandelion' gesien nie!

'n Drom met 'n band bo-op... ons asblik cum tafel ... improviseer... 

 Net buite Gostilitsa... my stilword-plekkie

 Waterput, net boontoe in die straat.

 Versiering van 'n huis hier naby ... ons huis dateer uit dieselfde tyd!


Net nog 'n straatjie na boontoe in die village...


  1. And so I read with sooo much jealousy (the good type) of what you are experiencing and thank you for sharing it with us - making your journey so much more real for us and thus making us part thereof in many ways.
    We too often only see the brokeness in the world and miss out on all the beauty around us - and so I think it is with God - he chooses to see the beauty in us - the potential - and thus He has made it so that He will use us in spite of ourselves.
    We are so fortunate to have Him as Our Father and so privileged to be the ones tasked with introducing others to Him.
    It is really Wow!!!!

  2. oh boy... Having been there... I can only say you really bring back the memory. Thank you. Amazing to just stop and see where He has already brought us in not even a year. To Him be all the glory. The journey in God always seems scary but when you look back on the few steps you have taken with Him it's always been worthwhile. Blessings

  3. I am thrilled to be a part of this journey. Thsnk you a great blog and beautiful pictures
